Curse is more unappreciated them I ever thought possible, jesus people. I mean curse has given us some of the best sites in gaming around,...
How come rtoolkit does not force restart when the server crashed with this error?
"Known Issues: Monsters, villagers, etc. using portals (added in Minecraft 1.4) has been temporarily disabled" This is starting to be ridiculous...
Congratulations @h31ix <3 Long live and prosper. has just been fixed btw, so you can use -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal again....
server-arguments=--no-jline Does not work and spams the console with errors that no does not exist, etc. Not being able to see what I typed is...
Nice to see active developing again, however I was much more appreciative of the code freeze as it was sadly needed to fix many issues.
Latest CB 1.2.5R1 Latest lockette 1.6 2012-04-05 01:24:28 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to Lockette...
Are you going to update this for R5 and 1.2+? I liked this little plugin, simple.
Yes, hitting a ghast fireball into a ghast will let it drop items. Also just updated the plugin for R5,R6 and beyond. With the new event system,...
"OtherDrops (developer is active right now, so we'll probably be seeing an update)" Will be updated soon, he was already working on it. As for the...
No, sorry it won't.
So this is why it's not working. QQ Would disabling the chunk stuff from nolagg fix it?
Separate names with a comma.