Last version there : But it's out of date too.
It works. You just saved my RP server, thanks a lot.
I've already tried these nodes and they doesn't work neither. What I don't understand is that dyes can NEVER be crafted, even without any node in...
Hello, I've got a problem with the dye node with PermissionBukkit. It doesn't work. By default players can't craft any type of dye and the...
Firemars ? Dutch_Devil ?
@Dutch_Devil, can you make a new parameter about the fall damage ? Because it's frustrating to see that in werewolf form if we jump before going...
2.1 report : I don't run faster anymore even if I'm holding shift. I can't jump higher than half a block.
That's beautiful !
The future of the vampire plugin is there : With Spout support !
Where are you from ? When you hit a player he has a small chance to be infected, you can change the percentage in the config.yml Nice idea the...
@gangetsu @BIGIISSxRx
Yes that's what I thought : Try to rename your plugins "1.Spout.jar" and "2.TheWerewolf.jar".
Separate names with a comma.