mgbeenieboy You didn't register your event
sipsi133 Check if the distance between the block and player (using the block.getLocation().distance(player.getLocation() method) is less than the...
SkeletonGamez <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
Jduffygames Updated. Just re-download from the same link above. ChipDev timtower I don't mind giving out my sources. Just ask. <Edit by...
Jduffygames I haven't done any Bukkit coding in a while so hopefully <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> I was testing it out myself and...
Onlineids The space counts. Just parse the last word in the String array so like, Integer.parseInt(array[array.length -1]);
termanator1128 Easier said than done. Manipulating water? My god. :eek:
int amt = Integer.parseInt(pickaxe.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().split(": ")[1])
Create a HashMap with UUID as a key and your custom player class as the value. Create a PlayerJoinEvent and add the player uuid to that map aswell...
Red_Jay Added, download from same link above.
Xodz I'm actually not doing this. I'm a bit caught up with other things
JuraJPlayerCZE Lol. Oh god, the colours. :eek:
Xodz Are the names added to the player's list saved to a file or something or are you okay with it being cleared through restarts/reloads?
Vortox14 for the TNT effect, is it litterally the block or primed TNT?
TheSpherret I think it's also missing a closing bracket for the method. Unless it's being cut off since I'm on mobile
Separate names with a comma.