This. In GM or other perms plugins. Remove certain perms (Effects of lightning are a perm) by doing: - -permission.node1.node2 Doing so...
Plugin Category: ADMIN/SEC A Bit about me: I'm a moderator at MyriadCraft Server. What I want: I want a simple blacklist option that has no...
Also a system like towny can be broken apart to find the block / worldguard limitation extension. But I don't know how you'd moderate that system.
There's a warning system / auto-ban system that's been updated, but it's not for 1.2.5 yet:
Rei's mini map has a block code receiver (So does zombe's pack). There's a plugin that transmits block codes to the client without using spout....
No, we want people to be able to break glass as per normal. We have block log, and it warns via server console and via mod chat when someone...
Because we need this for bedrock so mods with the log block tool will not drop them on death or accidentally press Q or throw them off the...
Plugin category: ADMIN / SEC Suggested name: ForceCHAT A bit about me: I'm a moderator on a server known as MyriadCraft. What I want: Due to...
Plugin category: Gen / admin / fun Suggested name: DeathSpawn+ A bit about me: I'm a moderator on a server known as MyriadCraft. What I...
Will this stop drops via the Q key or throwing it out of inventory too?
So non-vanilla /tp?
Does /marry tp count as a non-standard tp call? (Sometimes these can crash the server if you tp between dimensions.)
Did the OP make another thread or something? I swear I posted in this thread before.
When using /tg without any parameters, it gives red text saying [SHORT HELP] Please add a help file in its jar =/ Also note your system uses...
If you have ChestShops, yes, and has supported them.
Separate names with a comma.