Hello everyone, so the player's name above their heads; that is what I want to change. Instead of: "isleepzzz" I want it to show: "[Lv. 3]...
I fixed it. I was calling getInventory from the chest and not the player. Thank you though! :)
Lmfao I like your persistence of just not spoon feeding me :P I think I got it!:D I'm doing tests on it right now:) Alright man! I got it all...
I know man.. I'm just not this skilled yet, or I'm just not seeing it :/
I wish it was that simple. But Chest.getLocation() is not working at all. I actually see no methods whenever I just type Chest. anything.
I know this is the lack of my programming knowledge, but I still cannot figure out how to get the damn BlockState to call getLocation() :(
Hey guys! So, I have this so far: public void onInventoryOpenEvent(InventoryOpenEvent e){ if (e.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof...
Okay sweet. However is it more likely spigot might break more plugins or not really?
Hello Bukkit community! We should all know by now that we can get 1.8 jars for both craftbukkit and spigot. (not "official" jar files though) But...
Please help me someone.... I don't know why this is doing this.
Hey guys! I am noticing a high RAM usage while only 1 player online. How do I check what plugins are truly hurting my server's performance? Thank you.
Amazing! I had to set it to the highest. Thank you:)
I actually did nothing on my priority. Then I changed it to the "lowest" because if my event got canceled (not in PvP area) then I want it to NOT...
Hey guys! I made my own plugin that will send potion affects to other people when you hit them. Inside the onEntityDamageByEntity: I do:...
Hey guys! I am using WorldGuard and I want to check if the player entity is inside a region and if the region has "pvp" disabled. I have no idea...
Separate names with a comma.