your welcome, I had alot of fun with this plugin, but alas it was not meant to be for to long it seems. :'( however that does mean I will have...
i think that is triggered by the new AI system called goals which leads me back to the same issue as before, there is no way to manipulate that...
thank you for the help, greatly appreciated
Thank you for the quick reply, but how do I only send the server the 2 output commands without sending all the the other commands, such as my "cp"...
several times, but for some reason it took effect suddenly. so all is good. though once in a while i get weird print out from the console (i run...
I started a creative server with 4096MB of ram, I changed the memory setting in the mcmyadmin.conf file to 1536MB, though for some reason the...
I have not used bukkit since it was in 1.2.5 r1 perhaps it has been fixed, i'm testing it now actually. thanks anyways.
thanks sean_skroht I have been looking in my off time to figure out if it's me or if something changed concerning the method i spoke of before,...
i posted this problem a long time ago, is no one else having this issue? anyone with any information, please help me. thanks in advance for any...
Finally school for me is done and i can focus a bit more on this plugin as I know all of you have been waiting for a new release. Though I'm still...
thanks timirvin for the support. can't wait to get an update released. :) SupahMario1010, I doubt i will expand the plugin that much, i may...
I used to take a chicken entity and assign a player as it's target like so. Chicken chicken; <-- assume it was assigned with an actual Chicken...
Thanks its good to hear that people enjoyed my plugin. The support is great, it's pretty much the only reason I am doing this for free (that and...
good news/neutral news/bad news time good news: eclipse is no longer complaining of red squiggles in the code and the new bukkit server software...
thanks guys. it's taking longer to fix up my plugin then i originally anticipated, much has changed since i first made this plugin. even the way i...
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