looking for the bit where it says that the AI was removed, call me blind DJSkepter
ok, whats the deal, what should i be aware of that i arent / what am i doing wrong with 1.8? previously (1.7.x) my plugin ran fine, the giant...
example of how regenerateChunk() works for my situation, I thought it was for, literally regenerating existing chunks? Ive created a new...
no such thing apparently, i suspect your getting world.regenerateChunk() or world.generateTree() mixed up?
Sooo... i went and distributed a plugin, but it turns out that my method of chunk generation no longer works (as of 1.7.9_R.4?) .getId() is...
Peary MrDynamo imaboy321 imaboy321 SoThatsIt Can you please link me to (or post) the 1.7.2 updated code that works? I am getting the same problems D:
Minnymin3 Hey buddy, can i have a copy of the update you made for it please?
CaptainBern http://pastebin.com/uXgUE8E1 Thankyou for trying to help me out :)
That's what I was using in 1.6.4 and are trying to update, but I'm getting the error that I posted above. CaptainBern Garris0n chasechocolate...
CaptainBern Garris0n Could you please give a example of how I would do that?
CaptainBern You, Sir, are a legend. Ok, so im getting a few errors: here is what im doing: public static PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving...
Ok, so basically, i need 4 packets, and was using them in 1.6.4, but now they cant be resolved, here is the method i was using to import them...
oops, copied my question from stackoverflow, apparntly bukkit .org doesnt support that formatting
So, I am having trouble thinking up how to make a delay in between sending a user messages, It would be cool if i could just keep calling the task...
PieMan456 How did you solve this? I'm having a similar issue :)
Separate names with a comma.