theres definitely something wrong with the save system.
Ok downloaded 1.0.9b and restarted server but now it says I don't have permission to any npcs command. Permission nodes are all set up as it is.
errors when doing '/trader list sell|buy' command.
ok...... when i updated to the latest jar it removed 3 of my npc and 2 were trader.. now i have to list all those items again. and there are ALOT...
does this work for 953?
ok thats good.
does the 'tpto' alert the player being tp'ed to like the normal op tp command?
agreed, the npc plugins can sell and buy stuff. big difference.
This plugin doesn't seem to work with MobArena? (
This plugin doesn't seem to work with Regio's?...
That's not really what I'm looking for. Players have to make the bounty for others on that plugin.
There's already a "sqlite.jar" inside the lib folder and I think it's from a different problem (I don't know). What do I do?
I can't seem to edit the config file. When I restart or reload half of the config is missing and can't use the plugin at all. But if I don't edit...
Separate names with a comma.