Squid_Boss if(e.getCurrentItem() == null) return; if(e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta() == null) return;
Create a BukkitRunnable field called counter, and set it to the task: BukkitRunnable counter; ... counter =...
Your problem is a NPE on line 89 of Menu1.java: if (e.getCurrentItem().getItemMeta() == null) return; If the player clicks on an empty slot,...
Do not use Thread.sleep(); instead, read up on Bukkit's schedulers. If you want to report to the player how long is left in the cool down, use a...
piano9uber Bukkit has a new way of doing tasks. Instead of what Burnett1 suggested, create a BukkitTask and use runTaskLater or runTaskTimer....
Use highest priority, not monitor. Monitor should not change the event. Also, it looks like your listener just gives someone god mode if they...
Create a field: ArrayList<Player> onDuty = new ArrayList<Player>(); The /onduty command: // Make sure command wasn't sent by console if(sender...
Try an InventoryClickEvent. That provides all the methods you need to check whether a player has put on/taken off armor. Just make sure the...
It looks like you're trying to take unnecessary steps here. You want a player's /report to only go to on duty OPs? Why don't you keep a list of on...
Use a scheduler running every tick rather than a long loop. Also, you may want to consider having the path go within a radius of the target...
Did you name in the plugin.yml used to be "Frame Those Shops!"? Try double-checking the plugin.yml to make sure it saved and compile again.
Not that I have seen.
To set the value of a list in a config, create an Array, ArrayList, List, what ever with all the values currently in the list. Then, you can...
Forgot about that, thanks!
In your plugin.yml, do a soft depend of all three. Then, in your config, you can ask the admin to specify which plugin they're using. If the...
Separate names with a comma.