I currently try to implement Option 3.
levisn1 It only works for blocks not for skulls (and probably pistons as well then)
levisn1 Create this folder + file manually LoreKeeper/blocks.yml
chunkaymonkay No drop one?
JACOBSMILE levisn1 I will try to make it. levisn1 JACOBSMILE https://mega.co.nz/#!khw1CYjY!hlBRWORiKURdeZJUzeg2xTKOdGQuS8KPURoPg7Yp7wY 2...
chunkaymonkay This one should work: https://mega.co.nz/#!psQUBCjT!Zl_tMrKOQxz7QBBDSKWMPE3XyOij9Mf3BHm37TxL5uE BTW: It has one permission...
kristiantomov Do you want a config option for Strength potion 1 and 2 or just 1 option for both. Strength II is normally 2x Strength I
megasaad44 So basically an item that will execute a command based on the location? What plugin do you use for creating "regions"?
/xp 1000 Player You can make it a 1000 levels by using 1000L
chunkaymonkay Yes I can, I will do that tomorrow if I don't forget...
chunkaymonkay I made a version aswell. It will give the item max durability every 50 ticks and if an item still breaks then the item will be given...
mattymatty It already exists?
Mysticate Isn't it possible by cancelling the unload effect (and loading it on startup) @EventHandler public void onUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent event)...
GaaTavares Maybe it will work if you add ChatColor.RED to the name.
GaaTavares You should google better ;) I think this still works: [media]
Separate names with a comma.