This is going to make no sense at all but maybe there is something really simple that I'm missing here. Basically, when i add an item in to the...
I think it'd be best if you had some sort of repeating scheduled task which would find all nearby entities within 20 blocks and apply the effect...
Felt like I should post this code: import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import...
@Assist But I don't see how the Clipboard can be useful. It doesn't contain any methods which I can retrieve a proper Clipboard from and be able...
@Assist Yeah and this is how it should work, but it actually ends up returning a ClipboardHolder. The API is a few versions old(I think 5.6?) and...
@Gonmarte I can't quite understand what you are getting at here, but check out my code from one of my plugins: @EventHandler public void...
Hey all! I'm building a plugin in which players will be able to save their own person schematics. These will be privates schematics, therefor I...
@mythbusterma What do you mean? To view database I have used phpmyadmin. EDIT: Returning the data in a separate call still results in 1513...
@mythbusterma Yes I am sure. The Location value is the only thing that has the potential to be Unique, but duplicates do not occur. My gosh......
Another guy told me to use batchUpdates. try { statement = plugin.sql.openConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO chests...
Yeah I have ensured that. I did a dump of the HashMap and it's exactly what I want....
@henderry2019 Opps I just selected a small portion of the file. In reality there is 9800 lines:
Hey guys So in my plugin I need to convert neary 10000 lines of config entries into a MySQL database. This is what that file looks like(not full...
@Nick_Titan Yes the first mistake is you have a semicolon after your "if" statement. This makes the statement do nothing. Put brackets in place...
Check this out....
Separate names with a comma.