Hello, I am currently trying to create an ID system, but I am not sure how to do it. For example I want to create an NPC who has an ID of 1 then...
If anyone is interested this is what I came up with public static void displayParticleBorder(Location loc, int radius) { final...
fireblast709 Okay, libraryaddict told me something like that, but I was confused. What you said makes more sense :)
Does anyone know how I can create a square border? Like a a square around a certain location with a certain radius.
lenis0012 Will this work for 1.7.2 or only 1.7.9?
Yeah is there a way to make this work for NPCs?
xTigerRebornx I tried that before and it ended up not working. I think it was because I had all the pathfinders in place. Now it is working :) thanks
Does anyone know why this doesn't work? I register the entites in the onEnable. I followed this...
Does anyone know how I can remove the randomstroll pathfindergoal from a villager?
Does anyone know how I can remove the randomstroll from villagers?
When I try to spawn my entites in the onenable method it doesn't work. Does anyone know why? I am trying to spawn villagers
Does anyone know how I can convert the string 1y10mo5d (1 year, 10 months, 5 days) to a long?
Alshain01 Thanks :), that was the problem.
SnipsRevival public static String getUUIDFromName(String name) { UUIDFetcher fetcher = new UUIDFetcher(Arrays.asList(name));...
Maurdekye What do you mean o.o? SnipsRevival I am using the UUIDFetcher (pointing it out again). when I used Dinnerbone...
Separate names with a comma.