Hey, I'm working on starting a Minecraft video series with a few friends and I need some plugins to help me do some stuff. What I need...
Beds aren't working, is it because I removed the spawn permission from my builders?
How do I know if the apply command worked? It lagged the server for a while but I see no difference. Actually I haven't found any veins, just...
you can turn it off putting this in your startup file: false setEntityIDPacketMod This fixed it!
I get a black screen when trying to connect to my IC server. Both the client and server have ModLoader MP and the same version of IndustrialCraft...
I just spent HOURS trying to get this to work, can someone walk me through setting up a server with Industrialcraft and Planes? That's basically...
Could anyone share a balanced price table that they use on their server? It's such a pain to configure all the prices and think up what each item...
You rule, thanks!
Is there any way to make this not neuter TNT? I love the plugin and would really like to use it to load my cannons automatically, but it breaks...
Updating craftbukkit didn't solve it. Plugin list: Backpack BigCatch Bukkit flow control Chest Plugin Citizens Controllerblock craftbook...
Of course, that's why I said I tried every method. Pressure plates, levers, buttons, powered redstone, etc. I also just realized I put a...
Does anyone know what plugin could be causing this? I've done some searching and not seen any plugins that would break doors. I try every method...
Spells isn't working for me - I'm using the latest persistence, spells, wand, and craftbukkit, as well as groupmanager for permissions. /wand...
Dear Brazilian Fallen Angel, is this compatible with Groups v0.15 by NathanWolf? I want to use his spells plugin with this but not sure if it...
Finally got it to work. You have to stand directly in front of the hole you want to fill in with the gate, like if you walked one step forward...
Separate names with a comma.