chasechocolate Ok thank you
Sagacious_Zed Got any examples?
Sagacious_Zed How do i do so?
`I was wondering how to disable a class, for instants when a player goes into the config.yml. I want to add a line saying something like this...
Thank you all for your help, trying to learn how to create this for my MCTeam. Thank you
HappyPikachu How would i specify what command to use?
zachoooo Sorry, but can you give me an example.
When ever i create this method: if(commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("plugins")){ Player player = (Player) sender;...
Ohhhhh k, thank you all for your comments some weren't really needed :P. Thank you im getting to understand this now.
I was always wondering what the difference from: return false; and return true;
chaseoes Ok, and for the argument "cs" what does is this? player?
Hello, How would i be able to store more than one variable per command. For instance if a player type /friend john, they would friend him. Then if...
chaseoes Oh perfect, thank you!
I would like it so, if player1 sets data perhaps "/name john". It will then write the information to the config.yml (DONE!). Now say if player2...
How would i do so, renaming the config.yml? NOTE: I'm a Visual learner
Separate names with a comma.