I'll be blunt, but you should probably learn at least a basic level of java, because if you don't know to not name your class "classname", it's...
Oh just a word for the future (this isnt the problem), when you're looking through a list of something, make sure the size of the list isnt...
Is the NPE on this line specifically? List<String> lore = meta.getLore(); Because if the Lore is null, an NPE won't be thrown here...
What's Radio.tier.matcher
You can check if the hashmap contains the key using map.containsKey
I never said that it was the problem, I'm giving you advice
Make sure you register events at the onEnable method. In order to do so your class must implement Listener Also, keep in mind that you are...
Like Striker said, make sure your class implements Listener and it's registering the events in the onEnable method. And put an @EventHandler...
Use the launchProjectile method in the player instance
Post stack trace please
Yeah I know that it isn't mandatory to add the override, and thanks for telling me that it's actually overriding the method in JavaPlugin, learn...
Implement CommandExecutor and add an Override annotation on the onCommand method.
I've had the same idea before but for my 1v1 plugin I ended up coding an arena class, if you need help going forwards send me a message
Give me a min to look at something Yup just use a PotionSplashEvent and go for e.getAffectedEntities() and remove the player from it that you...
Do what mine care said or throw in a PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn
Separate names with a comma.