Thank you so much for making or copying the code for me, but I am going to be making a lot of packages and decided that it is not worth going...
lmc Hey please answer, is there anyway instead of having people being redirected to another site to purchase items. to implement it right into the...
I am running bukkit 1798, and when ever I hit any animal, my minecraft crashes, does anyone know why?
dumb question i do know a little about html but how would I get the html, its not like the website will bring it up for me.
one more thing, what is everything I need to know to make this work. for example. Do I need a specific type of Paypal account?
Is there any way to make the web store and integrate it right into my server website? Because I love this plugin, but I don't want to have to...
IConomy 6 is not working with PEX, becuase iConomy is outdated. Then you tell me why it does not work. My permissions is fine i will even sending...
Excuse I am not a noob when it comes to permissions I know how it works inside and out by teaching my self, without reading anything. It is the...
iConomy is the only plugin that I have ever had a promblem with. And also then what permissions do you suggest that is up to date with the newest RB.
ok iConomy6 does not work with the newest permissionsEx .
@ yesh your suggestion did not work for me either.
Hey I am getting this error. Any one know what is wrong? 2011-08-27 17:51:45 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling NoCheat v1.12b (Is it up to...
ok please help fast. people that do not have the permission. first when they try to buil all it is saying is that they are not allowed to interact...
Ok I tried. And it said internal error.
This plugin just needs a commands to allow people to build. Taking them off the "guest" list and becoming a regular member.
Separate names with a comma.