Currently updating my plugins and willing to pass my projects to anyone who wished to make them live a lil more.
What did you do when the slimes didn't work. I've downloaded the code from github of MakeEmSpawn. I want to add Enderman, Silverfish and CaveSpiders, but they spawn chickens. Can you please tell it?
The last time I had problems with MakeEmSpawn not recognizing an existing monster, it was a Bukkit problem. All I done, was forking Bukkit, modifying the list of the monsters which lacks those who weren't working and making a pull request. After that, I've been able to spawn wolves for example. Here is the GitHub Pull Request from that time :
I don't remember if I had made any modifications on my own code or not since it was 2 years ago ^^ but if I can well remember, it's mostly for not having to modify my own code that I was using Bukkit engine directly.
By the way, with the new version of the EntityEgg class, I don't think my plugin would work anymore : There may have some hard rebuild on my plugin on that version.
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir, nous avons commencé un serveur et nous avons un système de dons, et nous aimerions que lorsqu'un joueur fait un don il reçoit automatiquement de l'argent ingame. Est ce que vous savez si un plugin existe ou si il faut le programmer ? Merci d'avance
Une API c'est une sorte de librairie à disposition. M'enfin à défaut de dire "Google it" voilà :
Hey- can you please read over my thread and tell me what i need to do? Thanks