Multiverse command: /mv setspawn /mv spawn
Wich version of Java are you using?
It does require a Back-up to be placed i The regenapi/backups folder
I'll compile it into a jar when i get home Here is the link, might not be approved yet EDIT by...
I've actually made an algorithim that regenerates full worlds from a backup, But every arena would have to be in a separate world
I dont think this is possible, maybe trough a mod
Fixed bug, Thank you for helping!
I think its possible, but im not very advanced if it comes to world generation/global manipulation.
do you have essentials chat installed?
You could use this: @EventHandler public void onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent e){ Block b =...
I know what spoon-feeding is, i speak english you know im not that dumb. I'll stop doing that then. Okay then, if i dont have a good...
Man, im just trying to help.
Separate names with a comma.