Is ist possible to edit the config file directly on the server and then reload it or must it done by the commands? It would be easier for me to...
Nice. And the server side support for Bukkit via plugin?
Will Spout support to edit the map height to 256 instead if 128 ?
That would be awesome !
Its possible that Spout can Change the Map Heigh to 256 insted of 128?
it works with CB#1060 but i need the Update with die Hypermaze 3D ^^ When comes the new version out?
How can i fix this?: 2011-08-20 23:16:32 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CHUNK_UNLOAD to Citizens java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String...
2011-08-13 16:22:09 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling BlocksOnGlass v0.42 (Is it up to date?): SNOW_FORM java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:...
Nice ^^ Thanks ;-)
Can you add an offical Iconomy Support to your plugin? I mean, Instead for an limited using by Diamands, use Iconomy. For each Hit on a Block it...
Will you update your Plugin for CB 1000?
Can you add an offical Iconomy Support to your plugin? The Idea to use the Superpickace in combination with Iconomy sound intresting...
Separate names with a comma.