check out respawn-at-home: false in the config, prob does what you need. If you need some more help pop onto our irc
Hello, please join our irc via where we can help you out quickly
this is due to dns / rdns in locating your machine name. I will be looking at hiding this as its not an exception
This is now on bukkit dev
Please paste your server.log at
This is something with dynmap Is there anything in the logs about it? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of...
I have been taking a break from plugin stuff so not really looked into anything, however I shall be picking up my stuff again and looking at bugs...
I have re-uploaded a new jar can you download and see if it works
excellent, best thing is to join IRC as that is where we hang out the most. Read the readme on github for info about code formatting etc
I am overloaded this week with stuff :D, If you can wait a week or so I can put something together.
Can you try 1.2 (just added)
I know the issue, I am going to deprecate the native GM support in next release. I will try to get this out this evening
Separate names with a comma.