Line 17: file = new File(Main.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "messages.yml");
Hi, I want to make a messages file for my plugin i am making but it gives me an error: Here is my code: package...
Thanks, that worked......
bump That has your feature
If i want to replace in a message like $reason with the reason, it wont work! i tried everything My code [SPOILER] My config: [SPOILER]
glasseater in a playerinteractevent you can check for the material of the item in hand. then if it is a gold block, do nothing, else set the event...
Do instead of: new Wool(dc).toItemStack(1); this: new ItemStack(Material.WHATEVER_ITEM, 1); And i know that you followed the tutorial from...
Search for 'Build my thing bukkit' on google (There is one)
Where did you define the 's' variable that you use by sand
You did if the args.length equals 1 then you did send a message to the sender of "You have been healed!" instead of targetPlayer.getName() + "has...
go to The plugin that you search
Separate names with a comma.