you could also just setup your own bukkit server on your computer?
i made the plugin new from scratch. only on dev.bukkit
nope no tutorial. and i dont think its neccessary. its not like it has thousands of commands... if your read my other posts you see how to use it...
files have to be in the folder where you are executing the server, so one over the plugins folder(where the bukkit.jar is). and yeah the texture...
/3dprint filename.3ds texturename.[jpg/png/bmp] x y z x y and z are integers. so a valid command would be /3dprint 3dmodel.3ds texture.png 12 128 76
just shut the server down and restart it.... dont stop the playing animations before shutdown
never tested. it saves and restores the id of the material. if Material.get(id) works with your plugin cinema should too
"why is it not working?" is a brilliant way to describe an error... would you at least use cinfo to look where the coordinates of cpos1 and cpos2...
yeah well an approved author would be very good. i would not risk my status (and my plugin) for a backdoor or some stupid kiddy shit
this will be fixed in the next release (its already fixed in the current sourcecode but you have to compile it yourself)
last file took 7 hours... so what about "trusted developers" as a rank or something?
well as i said: approve the plugin once. but not every release of it
best idea so far :P and its also hosted on sourceforge. and there it is available immediately. so why is dev bukkit like "oh every file has to...
when i upload a file to devbukkit i want it to be immediately available. i dont want to wait 10 hours plus. when i release a new version i want it...
it IS on dev.bukkit but every file has to be approved by an admin (so this can take a while) but it is already uploaded and i dont have any...
Separate names with a comma.