I feel pretty stupid for not thinking about that :(
Hello, I have 2 event handlers, one for BlockPlaceEvent and one for BlockMultiPlaceEvent. When you place a bed or double plant or door both events...
Even though that is true, Bukkit does not always provide an API for things you need. For instance I wanted rollbacks in my anti grief plugin to be...
Does it make a difference if I have @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) ? Because that's pretty much the only difference :/ Edit:...
According to the documentation BlockBurnEvent is fired when a block is burned: The problem however is that it is not fired when the blocks I...
Thanks, I already had a way to do this, but this way it's so much cleaner. My eclipse package explore is filled with all the compatibility...
That fails because you have s.length >= i; which should be i < s.length What your code did was loop untill "i" was equal to "s.length" but...
You should start by learning java, after that you can have a look at some youtube video's. There are lots of basic tutorials out there. Also have...
Try moving that second for loop out of the first one, might have something to do with it, dunno.
Yeah, but you are loading that from the config file, I am talking about the piece of code you use for adding the arena to the config. So probably...
I think it would have to do with the adding code, so where you add the arena to the arryalist. If you could show us that, that might help.
At the time that came out there was a huge discussion about this on this forum, I believe something like this was achieved, but I am not sure.
Okay, try this: event.getPlayer().getInventory().remove(event.getItemDrop().getItemStack().clone().setAmount(1));
You already did this in your code: event.getItemDrop().getItemStack() ... Also an ItemStack can be just one...
You got a point there.
Separate names with a comma.