Hey, how can I create an Entity, for example a chicken, and let it always follow a Player? I already tried it with Pathfinder from NMS, but maybe...
Okay nice! Works now, thank you really very very much!
It isn't public, its owned by an Server, sry.. Just, how to correctly Import the NMS?
Because I've got a Plugin from another developer, who isn't reachable anymore, and I need to update it to 1.12, he used this NMS
Hello, until now I never needed to Import something of net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1. And if it gets automatically importet, IntelliJ doesn't find...
Ok, now I can see the error again, thanks very much!
Thanks for that fast answer ;) Heres the Console: https://pastebin.com/raw/BDLnTAX4 The Plugin is VirtualToken Well, now I restartet and theres...
Hello, I had with my plugin an NPE, now I think Fixed it, but my plugin becomes disabled by the Server without any error, only the disabling...
Yeah, but Essentials can only disable its own commands, i think. How to do this with other plugins? Gesendet von meinem SM-A320FL mit Tapatalk
Hello, At my server I've got two same commands from different plugins, for example /ban for Essentials an also from an self programmed plugin. How...
Hello, how can I give the Player an enchanted book, I only managed to enchant a normal book, but with that you couldn't enchant other items, I...
Yes, this is what I wanted to do, but I found another solution now, thanks very much :D
I know how to check, if ist a Player. And there's also the Problem: Most plugin-commands only can be used by a Player, so if I want to check with...
Maybe if it is like a real Player and executes a command, for example it makes /ping and if the Server answers with "unknown command", it knows,...
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