@_Fush_ It is because you imported the wrong chat color, net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; <- is for Bungee. You need to import the other choice...
final Item haloItem = p.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(p.getEyeLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.TNT));...
@I Al Istannen Sorry to keep bothering you, Im kinda a noob. How do I set the block head. and It still won't spawn
@I Al Istannen Thankyou, That link does not work, How do I set the Mickey head tobe the block, and do u know why it wont spawn?
@EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onPlayerUse(PlayerInteractEvent e){ Player player = e.getPlayer();...
@Agentleader1 I can't, It's different and weird coding. It requires all the other classes
@Agentleader1 I couldn't find anything, Do you have any other ideas?
Does anyone know how I would go about linking minecarts together. I have tried before and It didn't work unfortunaly I don't have that old code to...
Hey! Does anyone know how I would go about making blocks invisible and have some velocity. I have researched this (block velocity) and I can't...
@FisheyLP and @SrNicks_ I want the Minecart to just hold in air
So, I spawn a bat and stop it moving by setting it as a passenger of a villager, and then connect it to a moving Minecart, however the leash...
@FisheyLP Thankyou
@FisheyLP but will a player still be able to get in the cart with teleportation? and thx
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