Exactly what you are looking for.
My plugin prevents /op in console and a few other things.
Yes you can, it automatically detects that it is a circle region when you claim it and saves it like that. If that doesn't work for you then I... Has the feature you are looking for.
Yes it can. Read up on this: Then claim the region with WorldGuard
Yes if you use other things to run the server instead of bukkit. There is spigot which will also have bungeecord to link server but it is not very...
There is no possible way to do this that I know of. In reality this would never happen unless you had someone custom code every plugin you had....
ryanbod Check the My Plugins (7) on my name all of mine are there.
Add me on skype so you can get info about the plugin. EnkyHD natehildreth
I like this I will make this fully configurable. Should be done in a day or two. Like to the bukkitdev page will be up when it gets approved.
More like file approval time is slow. Over 24 hours since last file on entire bukkit dev was approved. There always seems to be like 3-8 bukkit...
Contact me on Sykpe: EnkyHD I have coded about 22 Plugins although most of those have been for my server.
Separate names with a comma.