So you are offering to provide infinite support time for all the average joe users who download those builds and then start hassling the author?...
I just think it's rude if a developer has specifically asked that you don't release CI built artifacts in a public repository, regardless of the...
That's ok, that was my first one! :)
I will log it on leaky if you like, to get it addressed, and link back to this thread.
I believe this is due to the way CraftBukkit is selecting what block to return as the replacedBlock. If you look in...
I currently write one-plugin-to-rule-them-all for my private RPG/MMO style server, so if you run into any issues with things you guys are trying...
lol every time I think I have done something, you have done it before me! Curses! :) :)
Is line 61 this? Settings.setString("spawnLocation.yaw", Float.toString(Float.valueOf(player.getLocation().getYaw()))); If so, maybe tease all...
I am not sure if I am on the right track, but the exception text is complaining that the player is not in a particular chunk (-10, -10), and thus...
To check if a player is an OP, in the minecraft sense, you can use the isOp() method off the player object, e.g. player.isOp() For doing...
Have you seen the LWC plugin? It does chest management very well, maybe you could have a look at the code for that (it is used for protection,...
This is a seriously awesome thing :) Congrats on making something wonderful!
It is not the type cast that is failing - that throws a different exception, I think it is ClassCastException, not a NullPointerException.
There is a method on the world object called getBlockAt(x, y, z) that you can use to get nearby blocks. You can also use the getRelative()...
^ won't work with that colon there, either... the main property is the fully qualified classname that the pluginloader will try to load (the one...
Separate names with a comma.