Terribly outdated now, but I hope it's useful.
The main problem with that would be how to store a reference to the wolves. Their entity ID's aren't persistent across server restarts so you...
That's no different to how things are without the plugin installed. I know of no plugin that protects against painting destruction.
You are doing '/mob go xxx' and '/mob follow xxxx' etc, right?
Thanks. That info was a big help. Fixed now. (Debug messages should also be gone). @KiloWhiskey update to latest version What commands are you...
What's wrong with using: thePlayer.updateInventory(); after adding the item?
CraftWolf cWolf = (CraftWolf)theWolf; EntityWolf eWolf = (EntityWolf)cWolf.getHandle(); String playerName = eWolf.v();
Are you talking about a config.yml file with settings for people to change? If so, there are built in methods for accessing that. The file must...
Ensure the version of craftbukkit/bukkit running on your test server is up to date.
TNT triggers the EntityExplode event (an entity event). You can cancel that event to prevent damage. The event also has a getBlockList() method...
There was a long discussion here:
Have you given yourself the relevant permissions?
This is not possible without a client mod (otherwise I would have done that to start with). That's what happens when you use your fishing rod!
I took every foreseable precaution when setting up permissions. To use /* in a sign requires a separate permission (commandSigns.super). If you do...
Its in the lower corner, such that you add (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) to find the centre.
Separate names with a comma.