so i will take i3 3220 - 2 cores, 4 threads, and 16 gb ram, plus ssd. i am thinking, how can i keep more slots on this machine. 1. make more...
search for plugin that disables some of server plugins in some worlds - and just disable factions in hg world
200 players min - i can keep 150 players with my 8 gm machine(and of course im using spigot not craftbukkit)
So i made spawner shop in my server, and added spawner ids (52:20 and others) lieke when the player buys creeper spawner or skeleton, so he can...
ty, ill try it
Hi, can anyone suggest some Statitics plugin for My faction server? I want that these stats would also be seen in my webpage. Ive tryed stats, but... Here is my Pex and it isnt working for some reasons..... ant help? EDIT: Problem solved, had 2 damn spaces...
use frame protect, helped for me
my first questoin is how did u get it to work on 1.7? or u are using older version? in my case with cb 1.7 uskyblock is not generating skyworld,...
tryed, still lot errors with cb 1.7.2 beta build
maybe my grammar isnt the best, im Latvian, but im working in SIA multimedia expert, for past 6 years im computer technican, and i made the server...
tryed, strange plugin, need some work to do with him, generates is, but still has a land and strande holes not just empty map
tryed that to buggy plus it wont start, plugin makes folder but isnt loading map
Separate names with a comma.