Thank you for all the things you've done, your contribution to the community will be long-remembered.
Flyverse player.updateInventory(); should probably work also.
spoljo666 Thanks, after I used your method it still didnt work, then I added player.updateInventory() and it solved the whole problem.
Hey there, trying to accomplish a simple mission; store and equip the player's inventory in a different method. For some reason, this code won't...
EtgarSH for(Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { if(player.isOp()) {...
callum.thepro I'll try making my MySQL publicly connectable, wait a few minutes.
ShredNyx Try changing this line: getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() { to this:...
callum.thepro The problem ins't the eclipse, something is wrong with your SQL user permissions probably, contact your host.
Encrylize Change in the loop args.length to args.length-1
bremdecoolste Next time tahg me please :P -- Yes, it should be the full package with the mainclass after.
bremdecoolste Seems like something is wrong in the plugin.yml, post it please.
Encrylize You have too much arguments or somewhat? java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 Can you post your new code? Because...
PimpDuck int radius = 0; Location playerloc = player.getWorld().getLocation(); while(radius < 300(for example)) {...
Separate names with a comma.