I've seen this plugin before but I can't seem to find it again. I'm not sure if it's been updated or recreated, but here's what it did: - Allowed...
I don't think our admin wants Spout being mandatory. I've been on plenty of Faction servers before too, and have never seen this problem. It's...
I've looked online and here a lot for a solution to this issue but can't seem to find one. Sorry if it's been discussed already. On our server,...
I got it working, thanks. Turns out the permissions plugin had gone corrupt somehow, and reinstalling it fixed it.
Here's everything that displays on startup. 06:04 PM [INFO] [Pail] Setting up window... 06:04 PM [INFO] [Pail] Pail 0.7.5 Enabled 06:04 PM [INFO]...
Yup. Same thing. Also, just noticed when the server starts up, it says this: "[SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling WorldBorder v1.4.4 (Is it up...
Doing it in-game. I'll try the world name and see if anything changes though. EDIT: Nope, still just displays the command list, like this:
I'm trying to do /wb set 2000 but it doesn't work. It simply lists the commands, as if I had just done /wb There's no border being setup, and all...
I originally had buttons as the money drop, because it looks like little coins, but the pickup wasn't working. I messed with it forever and...
Just checked again today, haven't touched anything but now it's working again... Very weird. :/
Suddenly my Regios is doing the same thing as before... No regions are working, and no /regios commands are working nor returning any errors...
Hey, that fixed it. :D Thanks! Did you change the saving method with the new version or something?
Thanks for the constant replies and trying to help, I appreciate it. :) To show exactly what I'm doing and how it's not working, I recorded a...
On server startup it's still stating that Regios version 3.1 has started with permissions support. Even though I've downloaded the newest one...
I can't reset anything again because none of the /regios commands work. :/ And the area data is still in the texts files, they just don't show up...
Separate names with a comma.