Move all plugins to the temporary folder and try it without any plugins was my 1st though, but its still the same. My plugins are: AutoKick...
No, with the last update of my save&backup plugin, backup function were disabled since new config file was generated :( All my backups are from...
Hi, my server was going great, but few minutes ago, when I logged in, no chunk was loaded. It kicked me out in few seconds. And these errors...
Using HashMap, that was my first idea, but I did't know how to put it together. Btw. I love your plugin BlockLog ;)
Hi, I am working on plugin and I need to use some sort of cooldown for command, for example, 30 seconds. Can you give me an example what to use?...
Hello, the SkyPirates plugin by fullwall was one of the holders of my server, but now, I have updated to 1.2.3 and I'm getting an error with...
Yes, thank you for quick fix ;)
Hey, I need to use Vault in my plugin but I'm getting NullPointerExcecption error while setting up economy. Method looks like this: public boolean...
I don't understand you now, my problem is that plugin is not deleting the file, and new content is appended to old.
Milkywayz I don't want to save configs, I want to save lines like: Location|Color for example: 445 67 477|blue -Using BufferedWriter
Yes, but you are working with YAML file there, aren't you? But I'm working with normal text file...
Hello, Ive got file Flags.tms in my plugin Directory and I need to delete it and create it again(Or make it blank) and then write new Content to...
I don't understand how, and I dont understand why, but it started to work, when I adden Muddr 's statement. Thank you really much
nisovin I have imported import org.bukkit.block.Sign; because with Material, Im getting error om setLine()
Try: Player target = player.getServer().getPlayer(args[0]);
Separate names with a comma.