Crap, sorry. Didn't even think of that... Having to edit the title separately and all.
Yep. The [data] value in the command is the value used for damage data (coloured wool for instance).
My biggest issue is when 1.8 comes out and Bukkit is updated, I probably won't be able to update straight away because plugins will need to have...
Hmm.. thanks for that link. Might try it out myself. Lol. BTW, this plugin will be completely rewritten for the next version to support inbuilt...
I don't mind the idea of an on-demand updater. The way they were talking it seemed like it would be an auto-updater. Even so, I think there are...
The other thing to note here is there have been auto-update plugins on the forum and they have worked fine and I'm yet to see a report of a...
In your inventory.
I agree with cyberdude. I just can't understand why more testing (even a beta) wasn't done with a LARGE group of developers and users before being...
Is there any way to get projects syndicated then? How about getting projects out of "Planning" stage? If not, it adds another plus for the forums...
Mainly because I host all my software (not just Bukkit plugins) on my own server which is easy and quick to update and I can just use the links...
I'm curious about this to because of the "will not syndicate" message on my project page. I have no intention of hosting anything on BukkitDev.
Wonderful. Thank you for that. I see what the problem is and I'll get to fixing it as soon as possible. Ok, new version is out and should fix the...
Can anyone give me a little more information on what's happening (configurations, other plugins, permissions usage, etc) because I can't reproduce...
This plugin wasn't really intended as a backup plugin. Just something to force saving the world via Minecraft's official methods incase of a...
I'm having the same issue. My gates aren't being save anymore. There is a gates.json file but it's always empty. Edit: If I delete the gates.json...
Separate names with a comma.