why it is saying when i for example type /Res select and it says an internal error occured while atempting to perform this command.
Why when i have set the size of areas at 50x256x50 and then i come to game, i select a area with 30x96x16 or something and then i write /res...
it dont work i just write /res create and its says: an internal error ocured while atempting this command. please help
ok im trying download from the dev bukkit thanks for your help i will write soon. thanks a lot it works . i see you are good in that problems...
thanks for reply but i dont have a folder with a config and another things. i dont know why but i will be try /Register password retypepasworrd
Neoshadow how you fixed it? i have a same problem. i type /register and my pasword but it does nothing its still showing message /register...
omg anyone will dont help me?
need this plugin please fix it
I edited this to my confing.yml : core: # 0 - Ebeans storage (will go to SqlLite or MySQL, as defined by bukkit.yml) # 1 - Cached Ebeans -...
Please hellp me morganm, if im op, i can /spawn or /home or /Sethome . but players cant do this. i reade up some coment and in one coment you say...
Hi guys it dont work for me? I write: /setwarp addwarp Shop and it dont work? why? it says unknown command type help and and and.... please help i...
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