can you make it to where their can be more than one owner of the home?
04:00 PM [INFO] [Pail] Setting up window... 04:00 PM [INFO] [Pail] Pail 0.7.5 Enabled 04:00 PM [INFO] [Permissions] version [3.1.6] (Yeti) loaded...
lol ik shortly after i was like FML "FACEPALM"
wtf why doesnt build: false work???? does PEX support that ?? i am about to say F-this plugin if there isnt Anti-build for groups
the yml parser said the code was fine anything else u can think of?
17:13:19 [WARNING] npcx: error: Table 'npcx.spawngroup' doesn't exist[Ljava.lang .StackTraceElement;@dff12f 17:13:19 [SEVERE]...
20:46:18 [INFO] [mcMMO] PermissionsEx found, using PermissionsEx. 20:46:18 [INFO] Generating Config File... 20:46:19 [INFO] Loading Config File......
15:25:26 [SEVERE] Permission node 'nocheat' in plugin description file for NoChe at v2.08c is invalid java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Child...
nope it didnt work every time i go to reload the plugin it changes it back to {default} EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit...
can someone help me when i speak it Shows [g] [owner][owner]darknessblea: blah blah blah i only want it to show owner once the owner is the prefix...
Separate names with a comma.