Wrong forum. Post over here: http://forums.bukkit.org/forums/plugin-requests.13/
Hello, I'm trying to add permissions to my plugin listener, but for some reason my plugin is causing the server to not load the world at all...
Now I am stuck with this error spamming my console every time I move. [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to BlockDetect...
http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/ should be what you are looking for.
Yeah, nothing is working... added an else. Here is my full code of my main class: package com.java.cyberpew.blockdetect; import...
MrSnare Currently using this as a testing code to see if it is detecting the player being on top of that block combination: public Player...
Hello, I am trying to check if a user is standing on a specific block combination, if the user is standing on the specific block combination......
desht Is it possible to get block types via name? Say, I want to grab BLOCK_OBSIDIAN instead of the ID 49. public void...
Currently stuck in the same position at the moment. However, it appears that getBlockAt() is similar to it, however getBlockAt() does not grab the...
Hello, I am in need of a plugin to block specific potions from being used. I run a fairly popular creative server and I need some way to block...
I have the same problem on one of my servers, unsure of what to do as of now. Everyone is complaining that no animals will spawn. Ideas/suggestions?
Damn! Thanks, didn't know there was a CI for it.
Separate names with a comma.