*sigh* after watching rakorium's tutorial, it works.
this plugin looks amazing, if only it would work... ;[
java.io.IOException: Download Timeout at org.spoutcraft.launcher.AsyncDownload.Download.maybeAvailable(Downloa d.java:83) at...
i have something like the client downloading freezing problem, but instead of freezing, the percentage goes to the negatives, completes...
sorry if im unable to properly explain, sleepy here. just check the difference between the github and the .jar link you provided, they're different
odd, since github's plugin.yml says 2.0.1 and the files seem to be slightly different in size. edit: replaced the files from the .jar with the...
are you sure you uploaded the correct file? because mine still says that version 2.0 is loaded, and is spewing out quite some errors.
There's a command to do that... At least read the commands next time... It's '/elev remove' when you stand on the elevator steps.
Tested and working for me on 556, but half steps only seem to work when you try to jump on it.
The wool changing colour stops changing after a restart...?
It could be because of the extra line placed in line 172. I'm not too sure though.
Its because Evilelmo51 is in the DEFAULT group, and under that group does not have access to place blocks because of the line The easiest way to...
Separate names with a comma.