No problem, sorry I couldn't find you an answer. Also, you can't ask for money on that forum so it works out :D
Have you tried posting on the "Plugin Requests" forum?
Now that I look at it, it seems that you set a place for them to Warp. The only plugin I know that does this is BungeePortals (which of course is...
In your Essentials config.yml check if "- /sell" is listed under "disabled-commands." Obviously if it is there, remove it. If not you could...
Have you attempted Multiverse-Portals? Multiverse-Portals:
Are you using Multiverse?
Do you have bukkit.command.plugins?
Try removing the suffixes you are not using.
If you are going between multiple servers with BungeeCord, you can use BungeePortals. If they are just between worlds you can use WarpPortals....
Did you update Factions?
You can use Essentials to do this. Just set the "radius" to however far you desire. You can disable the prefixes (! and ?) so long as the users...
You shouldn't be restricted (except in extreme situations) to what you can talk about in Offtopic. This is especially true for Mods in my opinion....
Is it working for any of the groups? I would check Essentials to see if the formatting is interfering with that.
Separate names with a comma.