Alpaca_Wizard Please tell us exactly which plugins/permissions do not work and if any error comes up, so that we can better assist you in finding...
I'm guessing you forgot to rename your jar file to what is specified in the bat?
Those are permissions nodes for a permissions plugin/file. If you do not have a permissions plugin, install PermissionsEX
Well I am not familiar with PermBukkit, but I am guessing there is something like a config.yml like GroupManager?
I would gladly be your administrator for all things bukkit! I have a lot of experience moderating as well as a server manager for about a 10+...
Some plugins have problems with conflicts between them. Most likely, one of the conflicting plugins with VanishNoPacket is spout, or vise versa....
Delta show me the PermBukkit file please.
Give me a list of your plugins please.
This happens with lag and not just 1.0.0. I remember having this problem back in 1.8 on multiplayer. Just a problem with lag. If it is happening...
Exactly. Like I say to any other person on these forums, just wait for the RB of CB.
In Notepad++, errors aren't given from that. You would only know if they are tabs if your permissions isn't working.
I would recommend the latest Recommended CB because that's all I can think of that can be the problem. Try it and tell me what happens.
First of all, I would like to see your whole console printout. Put it between these tags without the periods. [.spoiler][./spoiler]. Secondly,...
Point made and always my recommendation as well. Obviously there will be bugs with the releases that are not the Recommended CB, and in that...
Separate names with a comma.