Welcome to the new guys, i always wondered who fieldmaster was, since it seemed like he was doing a lot of work on bukkit, and now i know :) the...
Very nice, great job team bukkit, i know many people have been looking forward to this update. Keep up the great work.
ye your right about users moving on, and it is an issue that needs to be looked at, but i just dont think it justifies the huge hate/whine in...
Thats why there is BETA builds, its so we have something to run on if we cant wait, for a perfect release, if your server is so sensitive to...
i want the best for my users also, but i dont have any angry users. i explain to them how it works, and hopefully they wont update next time, and...
Just send the users my way then :), we dont have any major issues regarding updates to minecraft, and we run 1.2.3 on beta build. beta build =...
okay however i dont use nolagg + examine on the server :)
Well, i only started testing after i disabled falsebook because it was causing serious load on my server, as i stated earlier disabling falsebook...
well, its a huge difference, i dont have the .db files the examine thing shows that falsebook hardly uses much time, so i dont know exactly what...
Okay i did some testing my self, and maybe i found the issue, i did a fresh install and deleted the .db files but they are not recrated an you can...
hmn okay, because we run a ton of other plugins also, dynmap, worldguard, nocheat, etc etc, and falsebook takes up twice as much as all of those...
Nice, but this fix the very high load that falsebook causes ?, because the previous relase caused serious lag on our server, with falsebook we can...
ye, however there is most likely a bunch of more important issues than wierd filenames etc in server list, like falsebook dragging down servers...
its know issue that he will fix.
i had some serious lag issues today with 50 online, disabling falsebook reduced server load by over 50%, dont know what your plugin in this...
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