@teozfrank Hahaha I not register the event, thanks
public void onLowerCase(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e){ String message = e.getMessage(); Player player = e.getPlayer();...
Now work, thanks for all :) CODE: else if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("nsum") || (label.equalsIgnoreCase("nsunmute"))){ //Player p =...
@SantaClawz69 @mythbusterma @Jimfutsu Full code: else if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("nsm") || (label.equalsIgnoreCase("nsmute"))){ //final...
Hi, how I can make a logo for a minecraft server without losing resolution, like hypixel or Mineplex. Already use photoshop, but no work.
mythbusterma And how i check if the args are equals to 1?
Hi, I have a problem with a command. This is the code of the command: }else if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("nsm") ||...
Hahaha, the best like a boss :cool:
mythbusterma BEACON, TNT, ICE? ? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
How I can get the material from the configuration file, I have this code but it gives an error. MAIN CLASS: public class main extends JavaPlugin...
I use this and work, thanks public FullChat(NoSwearPlus plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; /*FileConfiguration config =*/...
fireblast709 [IMG]
xYourFreindx Rocoty Ready :P
LINE 18: FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig(); LINE 63: pm.registerEvents(new FullChat(this), this); How is null?
Separate names with a comma.