Is there a way I could do that using protocolLib and if there is could you post a link or show me how I would make a custom falling block?
I tried making the falling block ride an invisible armor stand but 1. You can't teleport an entity if it has a passenger 2. When the block riding...
My main issue now is keeping the block from turning solid. Does anyone have any clue on how to make a falling block stay as an entity @Comphenix ?
Initialize plugin: Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("plugin name"); also if you want the location to be exact do:...
It should still at least show the particle for the first part. The particle won't even show :( I'm trying to get it to look like this at the end:...
This is my code so far just for the Y but it doesn't show any particles: BukkitRunnable br = new BukkitRunnable() { double YVelocity = 10;...
How can I make it so falling sand doesn't turn into a block when it touches the ground? I tried canceling the EntityChangeBlockEvent when the...
Thank you, I'll look at it :) Is there a way to make it so that it will turn in a curve-like motion? (That is my main issue) I'm trying to get it...
Guys I really need help with making a flame fairy like mineplex. I would love it if someone could point me in the right direction. As of now I am...
I'd rather do it without depending on other external plugins. I'm already using protoclLib so if someone knows how I could do this with...
Any 1.8 version
Hello guys. I'd like to find out how to disguise a player as a block. @Comphenix you might know the answer to how to do this with packets or...
Thank you, I'll see what I can do with that. I want to make it so it follows the player. Not teleports to the player. If it teleports then it...
You can always replace all 'ยง' characters in your project with something different by using the replace all feature of eclipse, also the...
Separate names with a comma.