Hi, I'm currently working on a plugin that erases a block that was shot at after a toggle command is executed. However, I'm not exactly sure how...
I've been trying to find easy plugins to work on as practice, and thought this would be easy. If you have any ideas for a semi-beginner like me,...
I haven't coded anything, I'm first looking for someone to help me.
I'm not sure exactly how, though. I'm asking for someone to help me.
Bump, I'd really like this made.
Hello, If you've ever played Zelda before, you'll know about the Cuckoos, and what they do. If you've never played it before, this pretty much...
The Vault page is still a bit confusing, does anyone know the basics of using it?
Love the tutorial, very helpful for a noob like me. I do have one question, though. When you say "get" true, would all of the...
I still don't know what that means. Could you guide me to a tutorial?
Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob with Bukkit plugins right now. I've heard that term, but have no idea how to use it. Could you explain?
How would you allow your plugin to work with other economy plugins on the server? Is that even possible, or would I have to make my own economy...
This is, what should be, a fairly simple answer, but how would a player set a warp for themself and be able to go back to it? I know how to do...
I'm not sure what your problem is, because your new config should fix it. Make sure it all looks like this: Config: http://prntscr.com/19kkoj...
Wow, it works perfectly. I should've tried that before bothering you guys. Sorry! D:
Oh noez! I tried to export the .jar file, and I got this error! Can someone try to run my code (its in a previous post) and see what's wrong?...
Separate names with a comma.