That was it. Thanks.
You are trying to send a message to the owner of the wolf it looks like. @EventHandler public void onWolfKill(PlayerDeathEvent e) {...
You need to make it "[Welcome]" + ChatColor.GREEN + "Welcome to OP" rats. beat me to it EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit...
I have an error in my PlayerJoinEvent. I have been stuck on it for while and can't figure out exactly why it isn't working. Any help would be...
Previously when making plugins I used getServer().getCommand("example").setExecutor(new Example()). I saw that is no longer in the Bukkit API. I...
The_Doctor_123 Oh, alright.
Hey, I wanted to know if there is a way to code your own little stock market. Players can offer to buy gold at a certain price, and players can...
bobacadodl Sorry, I'm kinda new with hashmaps. How would these both work?
bobacadodl But, what if there are multiple different groups, and people can create their own groups, do I make a hashmap/list for every group?
xBlackLightx Nothing yet, I just wanna know how to find out the if the person who types /accept, has a pending invite a group.
So, I want to make a plugin where you can invite people to your group. Just like towny. You can invite someone and it will send them a message...
Polaris29 And how would I do that?
This is what it looks like in the config. Knock-Off: X: -203.27357918129775 Y: 70.0 Z: 4.293470052672335 World: &id001...
That is the first time I am creating those locations. So I should be using this.getConfig().addDefualt()
I tried it without this.reloadConfig(), didn't work. I have the second piece of code in onEnable(). And thirdly, what do you mean?
Separate names with a comma.