Griefprevention to prevent server from grief. Logblock to see who did the grief, and undo the grief.
all serveres have been having problems for the last many hours..... so are u sure that you dont have the same issues as the rest of us - minecraft...
im running 1.4.5-R0.2 (Build #02488) And its ROCK solid ! It havent crashed a single time since i installed it on release a few days ago....
oohhhh, nice....but how do i change the biome ? ( i have WE).... i just tryed /setbiome desert - it accepts the command but nothing happens with...
Hi i have an area on the server where snow keeps comming back (have been doing remove snow) - can i permanently change that area so that snow...
im running: 1.4.4-R0.1 (Build #02469) And its 100% stable ( a little laggy sometimes, but aside from that, its ROCK stable) What if i change...
running #2462 WORKS FLAWLESS !!! [spoiler]
when i came to ur posting i was allready laughing so hard that i was about to faint :)) "dude there is no flux capitors in your comp" that one...
you are missing: - modifyworld.* heres my config for PEX - it works flawless... (the first 3 groups can NOT build!) groups:...
How ?
i have the excakt same problem - and i have seen many posts excaktly the same - i have used the last 7 days trying to fix it but nothing seems to...
as an admin tool: Essentials Logblock Griefprevention Spectate Simplealert Minebackup PermissionEX Realvotes WorldEdit All these are standart on...
how do i do that on my server ? im also getting the same errors as Topic owner
simplejail ?
i (and alot of other) have the excackt same error - my server runs flawless i2-3-4 hours and then players get disconnected, and cant connect until...
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