@ChipDev So wait, you want a plugin made by the community, for your friend, which replies with your name. I thought you were meant to be a...
@arsenalfcgunners Easy, bukkit has a yaml API, just use that, each time a player joins check if they have a file, if not make one then just load...
@bwfcwalshy He wants everything to default, so when you pick up an item it will stack beyond 64. Edit. I didn't realize exactly what he was asking...
@ChavitaHD Well, @pie_flavor was kind of right, by default the max is 64 and you can't pick up anymore then that a stack, doesn't mean you can't...
@To175 There are plenty of tutorials to show you, here is one - http://bukkit.org/threads/tutorial-intermediate-configuration-yaml-make-configs.45383/
@To175 UUID's are just the better way to go, period.
@To175 #29 is a lot more efficient, and UUID's are important because 1. They are more support and 2. What if a player changes their name? Their...
@To175 Oh I see, makes it a lot clearer. What you could then do is, in the case you have a lot of responses, when the player runs the command,...
@To175 I have no idea what you are even trying to achieve, fully explain
@To175 Well, what you are doing is the completely wrong way to go, you instead want to split the different messages into ConfigurationSections,...
@JordyPwner Obviously a custom ItemStack... :eek:
@AbstractionPvP Due to implications I can't fill this plugin, I will be making a much larger and dynamic plugin like this, it will be public so...
@AbstractionPvP Tonight, and if not tomorrow, I am ill so it depends at how long I will go at it! :)
@AbstractionPvP Doing this now! This is gonna be fun :)
Separate names with a comma.