I'll work on it. No promises.
Impossible. You could make a plugin that makes it automatically teleport to the lowest block possible, but it's impossible to make it work like...
I feel that banning solution should be hosted by the server administrator, and not some potentially power-hungry global administrator....
Server owners will need to host it themselves. It is written in PHP. I was considering making it in a Java serverlet, but I assume that most...
[IMG] appeals made easy Introducing craftbans Tired of hard-to-manage forum or other appealing systems? Welcome to craftbans, a...
A plugin is making a web request to http://bukkitstats.randomappdev.com/index.aspx which is currently down. Wait for it to come back up and the...
Not enough info. What problem are you getting? Also, give us all of the plugins you have installed by posting the result after you type...
Very possible. I will be working on this shortly.
Post your plugins list by doing "plugins" in the console.
Are you using Yeti Permissions? (i.e. just named "Permissions") or are you using another permissions system? Try doing "plugins" in the console...
Try running craftbukkit.jar through Terminal. Go to Applications > Utitlies > Terminal and type the following in: cd /path/to/craftbukkit java...
- iConomy.bank.main, iConomy.bank.main.view needs to be - iConomy.bank.main - iConomy.bank.main.view So no comma, just a new line. wat
Essentials can do just this. Here is a tutorial on how to make these types of signs: http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial
What WorldGuard version are you using (5.2 or 5.3)? It could be a Bukkit problem if it is cross-plugin.
Perhaps they are in the spawn area of your server? Notch hardcoded spawn protection into Minecraft. You need to move at least 20 blocks from...
Separate names with a comma.