gal0511 Wow what a guy! Terrific man! Thank You! PMd you for a small bug and small request!
Yea probably. It would be nice. I need to edit it per player somehow so I can put a youtuber/streamers link in. Either that or you can make it so...
I specifically made a section for this, I will repeat it, Yes there is a plugin similar to this but there is no /youtubers or /streamers to show...
It's just a cool feature I would like to have for my server. If you don't want to do it, please don't respond.
Suggested name: Youbtube/Twitch Announce What I want: A plugin that gives your youtubers/streamers an extra little boost to keep going. Also to...
Yea i can't figure it out it's really frustrating
Not sure what it is but nobody will help you here inless you use bukkit
-.- I'm having my server hosted by a company. What's the plugin that will override it? You post pointless information on everyone's threads so...
So I have Votifier and GAlistener installed and I have tried multiple voting websites but nothing is working. Votes aren't registering. I have...
Although it may look correct, you can be missing something small. Try putting it in a yaml parser. That's about all i can suggest given the...
Yea i had using another plugin in mind but thought it would be worth a try to see if essentials can do it
Ahhhhhhh i see. Is there any way possible to do it with /feed or /repair? To have 2 seperate cooldowns with 2 seperate groups on signs? So to...
But say i want group 1 to be able to select their kit sign every 24 hours and i want group 2 to be able to select their kit sign every 48 hours....
Im asking if there is a way to make a specific cooldown for a single sign.
Is it possible to make, for example, a kit sign and have 1 group able to select it every 24 hours and others every 48 hours? Ty
Separate names with a comma.