Hello i was wondering if you could develop a plugin where u could change the difficulty of monsters without having to reset the server so like...
um a couple actually! first off this plugin is cool but u could expand it so like users could have good reputations on one side of 0 and bad the...
ok sorry dude lemme know when its up cause i really want this plugin also are u open to developing another plugin i have a prtty cool idea i guess
The link is broken thts ur first bug lolz
Wandering if u could make a plugin where only a certain designated area was pvp like the wildy in runescape
except they just changed it in the latest build lol
i feel ya bro its so friggin annoying i dont care if the properties file and u have a zip no big deal but seriusly u cant post a jar to dropbox it...
ya well there not gonna allow random dudes on the server kick and ban people now are they ya dumb ya have to be an op or admin or whatever u wanna...
wow i dont get why people cant figure out tht all u have to do is put a # sign in front of the commands
all you do is /#save-all
ya unless it would only read image files
Separate names with a comma.