No there is no chatlag, or server lag, flying is disabled, and it still manages to happen. It happens to everyone.
Craftbukkit:1060 Spout: and Launcher:All Steps to reproduce: Have someone die. Probelm: Server console displayes the person...
My players DC when the die. As well as a memory leak. Spout is the recommended/dev...both have it. OS:Windows 7 Bukkit:1060 Launcher: all-Spout,...
This plugin is amazing, I finally got it to work. I'll try to donate if I can.
It's on page 81. Error occurs even on just spout and cb1000.
When it only gives a "disconnect.endofstream" with no errors, I think I'm getting nowhere.
Craftbukkit:1000 OS:Linux Ubuntu: Natty Narwhal AND/OR Windows 7 32bit Spout:10.0.1 Client:Minecraft Vanilla Error: Players...
Ok. Edited
Craftbukkit:1000 OS:Linux Ubuntu: Natty Narwhal Spout:10.0.1 Client:Minecraft Vanilla Error: Players disconnect.EndOfStream within seconds of...
Craftbukkit:1000 Spout:The one directly under Server Admins Server loads fine, Client joins, client can't type or see more than 16x16, If client...
Ok. After seeing what you wrote, I have spout. But Every player that joins loads the chunk they are standing on, and disconnects after 20 seconds...
Problem: No errors, but everyone who connects only loads the chunk they are standing on, and when they type, it shows on the console, but they...
Its listening for spout but cannot find it I presume? I dunno java. I am just assuming that it wants to find spout and activate an event. Edit:...
It works! I portfowarded the internal ip which I changedand now it works, i've updated it all and I am VERY, VERY happy. Thank you 1 million...
Separate names with a comma.